Berlinger Technical | Suitable Specific Gravity for Analysis

Berlinger Technical | Suitable Specific Gravity for Analysis

Specific Gravity

Release date

Berlinger Technical | Suitable Specific Gravity for Analysis

The main change that relates to the Berlinger equipment from the WADA ISTI 2019 to the WADA ISTI 2020 concerns the modification of the specific gravity in the urine sample. The WADA listed the technical principles of the WADA ISTI 2020 in 3.2 and the procedures in annex G. From a technical perspective, please be aware of the new threshold values for the specific gravity.

Suitable Specific Gravity for Analysis
For samples with a minimum volume of 90 ml and less than 150 ml, specific gravity is measured at 1.005 or higher with a refractometer, or 1.010 or higher with lab sticks. For samples with a volume of 150 ml and above, specific gravity is measured at 1.003 or higher with a refractometer only (*WADA ISTI 2020).

The new measurement limits have no impact on the Berlinger equipment itself. You will find all necessary information in the redline version on the WADA website. If you have special handling questions regarding our equipment, don't hesitate to get in touch with us.